-Extra Info Here-

"15 million Americans include some form of Yoga in their fitness regimen - twice as many as did 5 years ago." Time Magazine


Click here for a Chair Yoga Routine featured in the Baton Rouge Advocate in May, 2013 BeFitBR.

CLICK on the link below to read article on how Baton Rouge Yoga Company got started.


Testimonials on Elena Keegan as a yoga teacher and life coach


I have been working with Elena Keegan for almost a year now, and I absolutely LOVE her!  Not only is she an EXPERT in her field of Health & Wellness, Yoga, Life Coaching, Breathing, etc. ? she has the most gentle, non-intimidating approach that never makes you feel inadequate or embarrassed.  She meets you right where you are, whether you are a beginner or a pro, and her sweet disposition makes you look forward to spending time with her every week.  She is totally amazing, and I feel like she has changed my life in a very positive way! Thank you, Elena!

"Elena’s yoga classes are so-o-o relaxing and also greatly improved toning all over. I felt great after each class!!!"

"Incorporating yoga into my life twice a week has made me more focused and relaxed. Learning and practicing correct breathing has taught me to deal with stressful situations with more ease. Overall it has made my life more efficient and my daily experiences more enjoyable. It's a massage for both the body and mind -and it's inexpensive."

"Yoga feels great while you're doing the poses, and when you're finished. The pleasure of stretching and massaging your muscles has innumerable benefits. This form of exercise is the one that has made exercise part of my daily routine."

"Elena's classes, besides strengthening, keep you limber; otherwise, I would be stiff as a board."
Virginia, age 82

It was just about a year ago that I got very serious about diet and exercise. Through the staff at the Wellness Center of Blue Cross and Blue Shield, I received a health evaluation, nutrition information, and exercise program. After six months of dieting and exercise, I won the "New Body, New You" contest. The results were measure in strength, flexibility, and stamina. I attribute the transformation to the yoga and cardiovascular exercises. It has been a year now and I've maintained my new body but what has been even more remarkable is that I've become healthier mentally, emotionally, and spiritually as well as physically. Yoga can help a person to manage the stress that creeps into our lives. Deep relaxation and centering restore the body and build the immune system. Since Yoga has become a part of my daily life, I have experienced an improved body, mind and spirit. At age 55, I'm the happiest and healthiest youngster I know.

When I started yoga, I was having constant neck and shoulder ache from daily stresses and sitting at the computer all day plus lower back pain and the occasional debilitating muscle spasm in the back. I started seeing a real difference in muscle tone, strength, and firming in addition to better balance and flexibility after doing yoga for a few months. My back doesn't hurt, and I can stop to stretch and breathe when my shoulders tense up. The breathing helps when stress gets bad. I can often lower my blood pressure about 10 points with deep breathing.

On Yoga in the Workplace:

"The deep breathing and relaxation employees get from yoga help them to be more focused. When they go back to work, they're in a position to make better decisions."
Bill Doyle, HBO Employee, Health and Fitness Director

"PharmData is a hard working, fast-paced environment. It is my belief that exercise of any kind decreases the stress and increases the overall well-being of any individual. We were lucky to find Inga Chamberlain, an experienced yoga instructor who was willing to work with our schedules and teach at our offices. The convenience of the classes and interest from the employees was overwhelming. The benefit employees get from yoga helps improve their focus and overall productivity allowing them to make better decisions. Inga's classes have changed the outlook of the individuals and the company as a whole."
Tara Fitzgerald, PharmData, Inc., Vice President, Operations

"Atlanta Union Mission is an organization where you could easily lose sight of taking care of your physical self. Therefore, when Inga Chamberlain decided that she was willing to adjust her schedule to be able to facilitate a yoga class for the employees, I jumped at the opportunity. For years I wanted to participate in a yoga class but there were never enough hours in the day. Being able to participate in her class during my workday has increased my overall productivity as well as my energy level. Her class is the stress reliever that had been needed for some time. I enjoy working in an environment where the company is concerned about my overall well being. I also appreciate Inga, because no matter what size the class is she exudes energy and really focuses on areas of concern for all in attendance. After attending Inga's class you can't help being stress free and feeling confident to meet any challenges that may come your way."
Melissa Clayton,
Volunteer Coordinator- AUM, WACS

"Whether or not studies have actually proven that productivity is up and health care costs are down, anecdotally, the evidence is overwhelming. Companies understand you have to address employees' health and well-being. Employees need time to relax, and a lot of people are gravitating toward yoga as a way to manage stress."
Edie Weiner, President of Weiner, Edrich, Brown, Inc. New York Trend Analyst Firm

" We have a yoga class for the teachers at my school every week. Each participant has learned how to incorporate yoga practices into their lives for stress release, muscle tone and balance, and for over-all mental and physical well-being. Our weekly class has been something to which we all look forward."
Suzie Moss-High, Teacher, Adobe Bluffs Elementary

" My first yoga class at work left my muscles warm and my mind refreshed. I returned to my job with what felt like an entirely new body. Though I participate in various sports, I have never experienced anything as physically and mentally stimulating as yoga. I discovered that yoga is an activity that doesn't just stop at the end of a lesson. The focus and energy from the class carries over into the rest of the workday. Simply releasing shoulder and neck tension after finishing a task or adjusting seated posture can make a vast amount of difference in my energy level. Being able to achieve focus and summon the energy needed to perform one's job, even when exhausted, is an invaluable skill."
Elizabeth E. Weber, BD Biosciences Pharmingen

On Yoga and Stress Related Injuries:

" Yoga in conjunction with meditation can indeed lower stress and improve work performance."
Stress Reduction Clinic at the University of Mass. Medical cente.

"A yoga-based regimen is more effective than wrist splinting in relieving some symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome"
Journal of American Medical Association, 1998

"Many doctors now prescribe yoga for patients suffering from heart disease, arthritis, or diabetes. Imagine what it can do for people whose biggest complaint is stress headaches."
US News and World Reports, 1997

" Yoga is a very powerful tool of stress management."
Dr. Dean Ornish

" The bottom line is that yoga is an exercise that is food for the heart."
Dr. Noel Bairey Merz; Medical Director Cardiac Center at
Cedars Sanai Medical Center, Los Angeles

On Yoga in the News:

"Fifteen million Americans include some form of yoga in their fitness regimen-twice as many as did five years ago."
Time Magazine

"The best part of yoga is that it doesn't end with class. What you learn through yoga readily transfers to other aspects of life."
Sandra Uyterhoeven, Columnist, HR Today


Testimonials on Life Coaching with Elena Keegan:
To live your heart's desire, you must uncover the darkness that keeps your spirit from soaring. Elena has been a guiding light on that quest. Her insight, encouragement and focus have helped me discover my blind spots and gain traction towards my goals. Her life coaching is life changing.

Lori, Louisiana
Sr. Account Executive

Elena brings her lively personality, her open heart and her positive energy to lift up anyone she works with. I always left my sessions with Elena feeling more positive about my life, myself and my future. She is a natural, fabulous coach. She will hold you in your highest with great love and kindness. I highly recommend her coaching services.
Beth, California

"Elena is an extraordinary person and an extraordinary life coach. She
brings out the best in you and makes you want to be 'more' than you already
are. Because of Elena's coaching, I made significant positive changes in my
exercising, my money management, and the clutter and lack of organization in
my home and office. And the amazing thing was that all of this was
accomplished in a relatively short period of time.

When I first began working with Elena, I was a little unsure because she is
a good bit younger than I am. I learned quickly that it absolutely didn't
matter -- her coaching skills as well as her innate gifts are such that she
can help anyone, regardless of their age. I could write a long list of positive changes I made in my life as a result of having Elena as my life coach. But the overarching change was that she helped be 'get' the fact that I, and only I, am responsible for my own
happiness. She helped me rid myself of a lot of the negative thinking I was
doing and the results have been phenomenal."

Ann, Louisiana

Elena served as my personal coach about a year ago. I was thrilled when I found out I’d have an opportunity to work with her having known her before. I knew her as being a very warm, compassionate and creative woman and thought that those qualities would make her an outstanding coach. What I also learned was how strong and demanding Elena could be while helping me navigate through tough issues which, in turn, kept me reaching higher heights and deeper meaning.
Elena never let me rest on my past laurels or accomplishments, instead constantly guiding me towards thinking and acting “out of the box.” She has a great gift of pushing hard to achieve maximum potential while never pushing too hard; which could have generated diminishing returns.
I had one main goal that I wanted to work on and it came to fruition this summer. I wrote and published my first book “You May Kiss the Bride! Now What? –The Essential Guide to Planning Your Dream Wedding/Marriage. However, Elena also encouraged me to think and be multi-dimensional and helped me to grow in many other areas of my life, simultaneously. Working with Elena taught me how to break down extremely large goals into bite-size, doable pieces of quantifiable units of work and helped me to establish the discipline and a working regiment to follow through. (I could never let Elena down after promising to complete a task. Translation - I could never let myself down after promising to complete a task). I continue to rely on these tools - long after my weekly sessions with Elena have ended.

Thank you Elena!
Love always,
Reginald Wickham
Information Technology Professional,
Bass guitarist for the Baton Rouge, Louisiana based cover band, “N2N”,
Author of “You May Kiss the Bride! (Now What?)”
The Essential Guide to Planning your Dream Wedding Marriage




Our areas of expertise include:

  • Yoga for Health
  • Yoga Therapy
  • Corporate Yoga
  • Yoga for Stress
  • Yoga Workshops
  • Yoga Props
  • Yoga Retreats
  • Wellness Workshop Series
  • Time Management Workshops
  • Relaxation/Breath Workshop
  • Nutrition For Stress Workshop
  • Nutrition/Food Plans
  • Private Yoga Lessons
  • Private Results Coaching

Want more information on life coaching? Call Elena at 225-405-8300